Thursday, January 8, 2009

Chapter 0

Q.E.D. is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum which literally translates to, that which was to be demonstrated. This is one of the oldest and most commonly used symbols displayed at the end of a mathematical proof or argument to indicate its completion. Other symbols include a solid square, a sharp, which I used throughout high school, and even the innovative letters, H.N.G., which means "human na gyud".

This blog will mostly contain some of the math problems that have sparked my interest at one time or another and will resemble the math calendar found in the Mathematics Teacher journal. I have no idea how to post the solutions just yet so if you want a copy, you may email me. I might also post some problems which I haven't solved, but they will be identified accordingly. Hopefully, this blog would push me to realize a compilation of math problems that I have been planning to work on.

I invite you to read on and recall your algebra, trigonometry, geometry, probability, calculus and other tricks, but unlike high school, have some fun (if possible). Prove, re-solve the problems in your own way (with or without listing the GIVEN, as probably required before), enjoy or simply be confused. Well, what can I say? One problem a day keeps the boredom away!

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